Julie Williams, LPCC-S, M.Ed
I have been in the church since birth. My faith has played a major role in my character, my outreach to others, and my journey as a Christian. So many others share a miraculous feeling when they accept the Lord as their Savior. I honestly cannot share that experience as I have always accepted that the Lord God is My Savior. I will say that over my lifetime, I have continued to grow in my spiritual journey by practicing what my roadmap, the Bible, has guided me to learn as well as experience. I served as a youth leader for many years when my children were in junior high and high school. I did a mission internship in Pachuca Mexico. I loved doing the mission work and sharing about God. I love God and want to share about the wonders and miracles of God wherever I am taken. I transferred my membership to the Walaka Methodist Church when I moved to Florida two and a half years ago. They did not have a piano player, so I volunteered and was quickly recruited to also play at Georgetown UMC (early and late services). After a few months, I questioned why there was no Sunday School for the children. I started teaching children’s Sunday School. A few months later, I questioned why there was not a Wednesday service or a Bible Study. I began a women’s Bible Study for our church. This has now grown to include our church and two other churches in Welaka. Upon disaffiliation, I questioned what we would do for a pastor. Once again, I volunteered to preach a few Sundays until a pastor could be obtained. Soon after, I was asked to continue preaching and the Church council asked if I would be interested in being the ongoing pastor. I prayed and felt called to once again step out and serve. I have thoroughly enjoyed preaching at Welaka Methodist Church since the beginning of June 2023. It feels like I am finally where God desires me to be. I am learning more each week as I prepare my sermons, prepare for my Women’s Bible Study, and as I prepare to teach the youth of our church. I know that I have a lot more growing to do but I am an excited motivated learner for the Lord. I have felt called for some time but finally, after much prayer, Bible study, and self-reflection have stepped out in faith to undertake what I have been called to do, Serve the Lord.